Below you can watch a trailer from Nano’s youtube channel which shows off some of the work they have put into making this whole thing possible. Also, players who wish to test out new servers and updated versions of the mod can sign up to be part of the team. The system requirements will be the same as that of Just Cause 3 itself. After they master the mod, the group will make it available to download off of steam, with the only way to get the mod currently being to download it directly off their site.
In their FAQ section on their website, they gave some key information as to where the mod will be headed. So far the mod is still in the process of being completed, however, players can download the current version of the mod as a beta. The mod allows players to go around and wreak havoc, or compete in races and other competitive modes such as death match. The mod will place players within a single server together where they can then either cooperatively play together or choose to compete against one another. The mod is called JC3:MP and allows players who download the mod to play online with players around the world. Having previously been announced that they would not continue work on the mod, it would seem as though Nanos Framework changed their mind.
A new mod for Just Cause 3 recently became available for PC users, enabling them to be able to do something previously thought impossible for the game multiplayer.